Saturday, November 28, 2009

First Snow

"Hey Mom! Look it snowed!!"
I chased them out the door with hats and boots!

Fall Fun!

The boys thought jumping in the leaves was a hoot! I think they could have stayed out there all afternoon.

Later that evening, we had a bonfire to burn all the random branches found in the yard. This was one of their first bonfires of the year as it is finally dark enough for a bonfire before their bedtime! Surprisingly, they were more interested in running around in the dark than making s'mores (who's kids are these anyway!!).

Halloween Monsters

A little chocolate, some Peanut Butter, Chinese noodles, and "m's" (as Liam says) for eyes. Lots of edible monsters and two lickable, kissable ones :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


So, I didn't get a shot of them together. But, still they're pretty cute. Even cuter was Sully telling people that he was, "Big Birdy!"

Wizard of Oz Night!

Pizza, pop, and popcorn were had by all! Sully LOVED it (but pooped out before the scary monkey part!).
This movie will always have a place in my heart. The look on Sully's face when Dorothy stepped out of her house is Oz was priceless.

The Unusal Suspects!

On the way out of the grocery store one afternoon, Sully and I spotted a nickle machine with fake mustaches in it. We had an idea!
When we arrived home, we prepared dinner and waited for Daddy to arrive home. Needless to say, Pat found some very unusual suspects at his table! (Too bad no one caught me in my 'stach on camera!)

Charley Chapman and the cowboy!

A close-up of the cowboy.

The hungarian.

Rhett Butler, the hungarian, and the cowboy all together!

The Apple Orchard

We visited Minnetonka Orchards this year. I think it is quickly replacing Minnesota Harvest as our favorite orchard.
Sully and Liam got such a kick out of these goats on the roof at the apple orchard! So funny!

Here they are in the, "corn crib." What a couple of hams!