Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Here's a little song Sully likes to sing, "Gobble, gobble said the turkey. Soon will be Thanksgiving Day. How will you treat me? Will you eat me? I will run away."

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Liam's First Haircut

I finally broke down and got Liam's haircut today. Figured it'd be good to have a mullet-free Thanksgiving! Poor Liam cried--no screamed--the entire time :( But, he's looking pretty cute in his new cut!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Liam Walks!

For the past couple of weeks, Liam has taken steps when we've prompted him. However, today it has actually happened! Liam has begun taking steps on his own. As the day wore on, he got more and more adventurous, going longer distances and turning around. So, without further adieu...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Liam is 11 Months Old!

This month, he's taken his first steps! He's also uttered his first word, "mamma!" He's getting SO BIG!! We've learned that Liam is absolutely crazy about ice cream! We're talking, take-it-away-and-the-boy-goes-into-a-fit-of-shakes-crazy and grabbing-the-cone-like-a-lifeline-crazy! So cute!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Silly Sully

Our two year old has come up with some pretty funny things to say. The latest and greatest...

Each time he goes, "number two," he gets up, looks at it and declares with pride and excitement, "Oh! A sausage poop, and a pancake poop!"

Where do they come up with these things? So funny!


Here they are, the Fire Fighter and his dalmation dog! So cute, so much fun! Sully loved trick and treating and pushing Liam around the neighborhood in the wagon. Next year maybe he'll get the timing right! This year, it sounded a little like this:

Sully: (knock, knock) Trick or Treat!
Neighbor: (answers the door) Well hello!
Sully: (trying to enter the house) Hi! Happy
Neighbor and Mom and Dad: (attempting to lead Sully
back outside)
Neighbor: (Gives treat)
Sully: Thank you!

So funny!!

Liam at 10 Months

Okay, it was 3 weeks ago, but here it is! New tricks include standing unassisted, tackling his big brother (and thinking this is terribly funny!), and sporting six teeth! And the biggest trick of all...SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT--HALLELUJAH!! It's so exciting to get better sleep at night and become a bit more productive during the day!! Liam's personality is beginning to shine. He's a bit of a toughie and definitely a ham! The first shot is Liam doing the, "toughie smile" he just so happens to be eating spaghetti. The second is just a nice smile. The third is this silly thing he does with his tongue covering his upper lip--so funny!